Two things added to the site

We’ve just added two things to the site:

  • Ming’s personal statement entitled �Policy Themes, Leadership Priorities� in which he identifies the most pressing challenges facing Britain today and how he, as leader, would tackle those issues. Find out more »
  • A button linking to the Dunfermline campaign. As Ming puts it in his latest podcast:

    Dunfermline’s very close to my own constituency and that�s why I think it’s necessary for me to go there as often as I can. We’ve had a lot of help but we could do with more. Anyone who’s listening and wants to go to Dunfermline would be very welcome. I think we’ve a very good candidate in Willy Rennie… We have a very good chance in Dunfermline; we must make sure we take it.

    If you had problems downloading the podcast yesterday night, the links have now been fixed.

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