At Westminster my job is to stand up for the people of North East Fife and to scrutinise the work of the Government, both in the chamber and in committee.
I speak on a number of issues which affect the country as a whole, as well as issues important to North East Fife. These topics range from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan and the US-UK Extradition Treaty, to the plight of small fishing villages like Pittenweem and the impact of government spending decisions on the people of Scotland.
I have shown my staunch backing for Gurkha pensions, Carers Week, the Green Energy Bill, Proud of Pubs Week and Bank Lending to Small Business and my opposition to Territorial Army Training Cuts by adding my support to Parliamentary motions.
You can read about my work in Parliament here.
Parliamentary Expenses
The largest expense incurred in my role as Member of Parliament for North East Fife is for staffing. I receive thousands of letters, emails, telephone calls and personal enquiries from constituents seeking my assistance every year and it is a priority of mine that these are dealt with as quickly and effectively as possible.
I rent a one-roomed bed-sit flat in London to accommodate me while working on behalf of my constituents at the House of Commons. I have rented this flat for 20 years and have a protected low rent. I have never had a mortgage funded by the taxpayer nor have I ever “flipped” my second home designation.