Ming Campbell joined Liberal Democrat MPs Sarah Teather and Edward Davey at a candlelit vigil opposite Downing Street to highlight the 5th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo Bay:
He has also written to Tony Blair ahead of the fifth anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo Bay asking him to use all his influence with President Bush to secure the release of the British detainees.
In his letter Ming said:
The continued detainment of eight British residents at the Camp – without any apparent prospect of charge or trial – is unacceptable.
Pointing to the fact that the United States is willing to consider requests and German Chancellor Angela Merkel secured the release of a non-German citizen, he said:
Given those facts, will you agree to use all of your influence with President Bush and the American government to secure the release of the British detainees in order that they can face British justice where there is sufficient evidence for a trial?
He concluded by urging the Prime Minister to condemn Guantanamo, he said:
The Foreign Secretary has described Guantanamo Bay as ‘unacceptable in terms of human rights’ and the Lord Chancellor has described it as an ‘affront to democracy’.
I concur entirely with their words, and I hope that you will use tomorrow’s anniversary as an opportunity to echo those sentiments.
As a member of Amnesty International I’m so glad to read that at least one political party is standing up to the bully boy tactics of today’s government. Guantanamo Bay is a disgrace and a total violation of every human rights issue. What no-brain came up with the idea of paying the Pakistanis for “terrorist” prisoners. Everyone knows that people will do anything for money, even arresting innocent people to be sold as prisoners. Please keep raising this issue and shame the British Government into doing somthing in the name of humanity rather than hysteria.