Drugs report is a wake-up call

Commenting on today’s Royal Society of Arts report on drug laws, which called Britain’s drugs laws as “not fit for purpose”, Ming Campbell said:

“This report is a wake up call. Our current policies are clearly not working. The drug problem is complex and not susceptible to simplistic solutions. We need a non-partisan debate about the way forward.”

You can get the RSA report from their website.

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6 Responses to Drugs report is a wake-up call

  1. David Thomas says:

    “where do we go from here?’ as it says in the report. Well, atleast the debate is taxiing to the runway?

    On area where policy is also not working is the matter of fathers being forced out of their children lives by dictating mothers – with their harmful and irresponsible actions been supported by the draconian family courts.

    A report on the harm caused by the government inaction and the rulings of the secret family courts would be a start.

    How about it Ming? How about someone in a position of power making themselves responsible for forcing change?

  2. David Thomas says:

    …sorry – that should have read:

    ANOTHER area where policy is not working…

  3. It’s strange that the LIBERAL Democrats are still sitting on the fence on this, surely the simple liberal, freemarket, common sense approach is to treat all drugs, including Alcohol, Caffeine and Nicotine together and appropriately.

    The liberal democrats don’t really have a drugs policy, other than seeing what the next report says when it arrives (conveniently after policy is voted on at a conference).. so Mr Campbell, when do we come up with a useful plan, like decriminalising all drug use and possesion, and updating licensing laws to treat drugs appropriately : by providing dangerous drugs (basically Heroin, Crystal Meth, Crack Cocaine) through prescription, in a safe environment together with support and rehab for those who want it, while allowing soft drugs to be accessible legally to those who wish to use them responsably.

    The meaningless fiddling we have seen where marijuana is reclassified has shown to be pointless and confusing, resulting in pensioners being persecuted by police for growing a harmless substance for their own use, and treating drug addicts criminals instead of patients and victims.

    It’s really not that hard to put together a common sense solution – if we can allow the public to drive what are essentially dangerous vehicles at fatal speeds through our streets, then why on earth can’t we allow the same people who we trust to drive cars, or scuba dive or use cut-throat razors ingest herbs and chemicals that are often safer than many pharmacutical drugs, or alcohol?

  4. Hang on.. if this Drugs Report is a ‘wake up call’… why hasn’t anybody said anything since it came out.. nothing in there is especially new to those who know anything about the subject.

    Helloo! this was last week… still no response, no policy, no ‘waking up’..

  5. Juno888 says:

    The meaningless fiddling we have seen where marijuana is reclassified has shown to be pointless and confusing, resulting in pensioners being persecuted by police for growing a harmless substance for their own use, and treating drug addicts criminals instead of patients and victims.

  6. I see our “fearless leader” has pressed the Snooze button for 4 months in a row on this particular ‘wake up call’.. hello – anyone from cowley street awake, or are they all having nightmares like Ms Boycott (http://www.guardian.co.uk/drugs/Story/0,,2041749,00.html)

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