Campbell urges Brown to be bold and radical on constitutional reform

Liberal Democrat Leader Ming Campbell has published proposals for a comprehensive programme of constitutional reform.

Ming Campbell, who wrote to Gordon Brown at the start of Brown’s leadership campaign calling on him to take up the cause of reform, urged the Prime Minister not to squander the opportunity to revitalise Britain’s democracy.

The Liberal Democrats’ programme of reform includes:

  • Drawing up a written constitution setting out individual rights and limiting the power of the state, through a constitutional convention involving not just parties but also members of the public.
  • Replacing the House of Lords with a wholly or predominantly elected upper house, with all its members elected by a fair voting system.
  • Implementing a fair voting system for the House of Commons and for Local Government in England and Wales.
  • Legislating for fixed parliamentary terms.
  • Giving Select Committees much more powers in pre- and post-legislative scrutiny, and greater involvement in review of departmental responsibilities and priorities.
  • Introducing limits on party funding and party spending.
  • Transferring all the powers of ‘Royal Prerogative’ to Parliament not just the current war-making power of the Prime Minister.

Ming Campbell said:

“Britain’s constitution is in urgent need of modernisation and renewal to make it fit for the 21st century.

“People have become alienated from the political process: they are less likely to vote, more likely to express disillusionment with politics and politicians, and often feel powerless to change things. At the same time the Government is systematically undermining fundamental rights and freedoms.

“The proposals that I am publishing today set out a blueprint for a modern and forward looking constitution which will protect the rights and liberties of the British people and help reconnect politics with the public at every level of government.

“I urge the Prime Minister to adopt the comprehensive proposals we have set out. A piecemeal approach to constitutional change will not suffice anymore. Now is the moment for bold and radical reform.”

The document Real Democracy for Britain: 20 proposals to strengthen Britain’s democracy, restore faith in politics, bring government back to the people can be found here.

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