State is being given unprecendented snooping powers

Commenting on the warning by the information commissioner, Richard Thomas, that people are in danger of ‘sleepwalking’ into a surveillance society, Liberal Democrat Leader, Ming Campbell said:

This report confirms our worst fears. Bit by bit a surveillance state is being assembled behind the backs of the British people.

Britain has long distinguished itself by its liberal belief in the rights of the individual against the powers of an over-mighty state.

By stealth this government has given the state unprecedented snooping powers which affect each and every one of us.

Surveillance for security purposes at a time of heightened risk should always be with public consent and full parliamentary scrutiny.

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One Response to State is being given unprecendented snooping powers

  1. Jag Sandhu says:

    Does Ming Campbells concern about the snooping state include those with worries about how the social services( integrated childrens care) departments act in child protection cases?

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