Ming will be one of the keynote speakers at a public rally in support of the Sustainable Communities Bill on Monday March 26th. Further details are on FlockTogether. The bill would give local communities much more say over what happens in their areas.
You can read more about the bill in the articles by Lib Dem MPs Julia Goldsworthy and Lynne Featherstone or you can watch Julia’s short film on the topic:
Islington Lib Dem policy does not match national Lib Dem proclamations on the issue of sustainable communities and public participation in them.
I refer you to the Islington Traders blog site – amwelltraders.wordpress.com – which will give you a small taste of the irresponsible behaviour of the local Lib Dems in Islington on sustainable community issues and the strength of local feeling against their policies .
Since January 6 we have been fighting for the existence of 240 small businesses across Islington as the Council attempts to sell of the last of their commercial property freeholds. Shopping precincts across the borough are affected including doctors surgeries, pharmacies and community groups as well as Council tenants in residential accomodation above retail premises.
We still do not know where the cash £45million) will be used despite repeated requests from the community and labour councillors.
Why does the Lib Dem council disproportionately favour property developers over small businesses with established commitment to their communities in the the management and proposed sale of this commercial portfolio? What is their justification for selling parades of local shops to one property developer who will not have any green or sustainability issues on its agenda? With the completion of this process it is likely that in excess of 400 commercial properties in Islington will be owned by one or two landlords.
Due to the mobilisation of public opinion and the strength of local feeling, we have managed to get the LIB Dem Council to amend the proposed method of sale for which they have claimed significant political kudos. However as we continue with the process we find that there is still very little will to enable established businesses to ensure their future security and eliminate the inflationary pressures of speculative property development landlords.
There would appear to be a schism between National and Local Lib Dem policy on this issue.